Prior to selecting the optimum time to seek prices, we will have constructed & circulated the tender document.
This will be circulated to all reputable energy suppliers in the marketplace.
Once the supplier’s have responded, we collate the results & ensure that each offering is comparable with the others.
A report will then be produced highlighting:
- Your existing contract costs
- The best renewal offer from your current supplier
- The best third party alternative
- Our recommendations
There may be multiple contract options available & we will discuss these in detail with you in order to ascertain which are most suitable for you taking into account your organisations attitude to risk.
These options could include:
- Fixed price contracts
- Flexible contracts where you buy chunks of energy on a daily, quarterly or seasonal basis in order to try & take advantage of market dips & spread the risk
- Green Energy: often cost neutral & an excellent way for businesses to raise their Corporate Social Responsibility.
- Combinations of all the above