Turner Jordan Ltd Code Of Conduct
This code of practice provides a platform from which to demonstrate high standards.
1. All Turner Jordan staff are expected to comply with the Code Of Conduct.
2. We will seek to build sustainable business relationships based on honesty, integrity, openness & fairness in their dealings.
3. A Client Agreement will comprise at least
- A scope
- A period of validity
- Duties of Client & Turner Jordan
- Basis of fees / charges
- Cancellation & termination clauses
- Mutual confidentiality clause
4. Turner Jordan have an obligation to disclose the source of fees to the appropriate Client.
5. In most cases information supplied by a Client will have been disclosed under a Confidentiality Agreement. Regardless of the existence of such an Agreement, Turner Jordan are prohibited from making use of information except for the purpose it was provided.
6. We recognise the importance of communications in maintaining a good business relationship.
7. Clients should be able to make decisions based upon good quality information presented clearly & concisely, in a timely manner & with neither positive nor negative bias.
8. We will endeavour to resolve a complaint made against a member of staff in relation to the Code Of Conduct.
9. Complaints should be directed in the first instance to the member. The Board will consider a complaint only when the member has had sufficient opportunity to answer it.
10. In the event that the Client remains dissatisfied then a complaint may be sent to the Turner Jordan Board of Directors via the ‘Contact Us’ link on the website:http://www.turnerjordan.co.uk or by post to 33 Sutton Lane, Sutton in the Elms, Leics LE9 6QF.
11. No complaint against a member will be considered if the Client has failed to comply with their duties under the relevant Member/Client Agreement.
12. Should the Client of a member complain to the Board that a complaint has remained unresolved, the then the Board will contact the member & agree a course of action. The Client will in turn be advised of this action by the Board.
13. If the Board becomes aware that a member is not meeting it’s obligations to their Client, then disciplinary action will be instituted. Depending on the seriousness of the shortcoming, this may take the form of: – A formal letter of discipline – Dismissal from the company.